The Spider Queen

Chapter 653 Family Ties And An Unwelcome Surprise

Another one of the hooded figures stepped forward and walked towards the young prince.

He stopped when he was about two metres away from the prince\'s chair and then knelt.

"My lord… we mean you no harm," the hooded figure gently spoke.

"Our only purpose is to see you become what you were always meant to be. It is your destiny to become the next human emperor."

"To achieve our goal, we require the aid of several noble houses to support your cause. One of those houses is the noble family of House Peterlor."

"Your sister is the only known connection to Duke Peterlor."

Prince Luke scoffed and lazily reached into his pocket to take a sip out of a metallic flask.

He felt the unpleasant sensation of the lukewarm wine as it slid down his throat and the familiar taste helped to calm down his nerves.

"I don\'t believe you but… whatever… as long as I can stop my arrogant brother from ascending the throne then I will play your… little games," Prince Luke sneered angrily.

"But I doubt that bitch will even show up. All of my siblings are just snakes… caring little for any semblance of familial ties."

"I should know… I am the same as them…"

A mocking smile surfaced on the prince\'s face and for a brief moment his voice was tinged with a shade of self derision.

"My lord… do not worry… the deadline is fast approaching, and we are constantly monitoring princess Cleo\'s wrist communicator," the hooded figure softly whispered.

"So far she has obeyed our instructions and has not contacted any outside third parties for help nor has she informed her lover or the duke himself."

Prince Luke got up from his chair and stretched out his arms with a loud yawn. He walked past the kneeling figure and then stepped outside of the room.

He found himself standing in the middle of a corridor where dozens of hooded figures walked constantly up and down.

This place… was strange.

He had tried to lift off the hood of one of his mysterious allies, but it was like their cloaks were made out of reinforced steel…

No matter how hard he tried… he could not get a glimpse of what lay beneath those dark robes nor what was hidden behind the shadow of their hoods.

This entire situation was quite… sketchy.

Prince Luke despite his reputation as a good for nothing playboy was not a stupid person.

He knew very well that there were things that his mysterious benefactors were not telling him.

But did he have any other choice?

His dearest older brother had driven him into a corner and now there was nowhere else to turn.

Crown Prince Theseus had now all but guaranteed his right to the throne. He was a powerful cultivator and had won the support of several influential factions.

He had allies among the upper rank nobles as well as numerous financial and merchant groups.

No one else could possibly compare to his influence.

Especially not his useless younger brother…

So, when the hooded figures had first made contact with Prince Luke… he had accepted.

He would even take the hand of the devil himself if it meant that his brother failed to win the throne.

"My lord…"

"Greetings my lord…"

"Peace be upon you my lord…"

As Prince Luke walked through a labyrinth of side passageways and corridors he was greeted respectfully by the hooded figures as they walked by.

He ignored their polite words and continued to walk with his head held high. There was a cold and indifferent expression on his face.

Eventually the prince arrived at a set of thick metalloid doors that were guarded by three heavily armed guards.

"My lord?" one of the guards inquired in a curious tone.

"Let me see what lies beyond that door," Prince Luke demanded coldly.

So far, he had not bothered to explore the rest of this hidden base but now was a good a time as any to start.

The guards turned to each other and although the prince could not see the expressions on their faces…

He could somehow tell that they were communicating.

It was a strange process because not a sound came out of the guards\' mouths and yet they appeared to be having a conversation.

"Of course, my lord," one of the guards whispered respectfully as he stepped to the side.

The heavy metalloid doors swung open, and a large space was suddenly revealed.

Prince Luke stepped inside the room and immediately had to fight down the urge to throw up.

Dozens if not hundreds of human sized glass containers lined the walls of the room, and each was filled with creatures submerged in a greenish- yellow liquid.

No these weren\'t creatures… they were humans?

Prince Luke finally could not hold down his queasy stomach and vomited out the contents of his lunch on the metalloid floor.

The humans inside the containers were badly mutilated with parts of their bodies sliced, dissected, and stitched together in unnatural ways.

The most horrifying aspect of the entire shocking sight was the fact that they were clearly alive… barely moving and breathing but…

They were alive.

"What… what the hell is this?" Prince Luke stammered as all the pride and arrogance of an imperial prince drained from his face.

He turned around to flee from the room as soon as possible but the thick metalloid doors swung shut before he could reach the exit.

"Hey! Hey!" Prince Luke slammed his fist furiously against the doors and the metal frame began to crack.

"Let me out of here! I demand it! Let me out!"

The prince kept hitting the doors over and over but even though he tried his best… the doors just would not budge.

Prince Luke angrily cocked back his fist and was about to unleash a cultivation technique when a hoarse cough interrupted his concentration.

"My lord… please do not be alarmed," a soft voice called out.

A hooded figure stepped out from behind one of the glass containers and approached the prince who looked at her warily.

Unlike the rest of the hooded figures… the body shape of this mysterious individual clearly belonged to that of a woman.

Prince Luke could faintly see the curves that outlined her body shape, and her voice was gentle and melodic.

"Tell me what is going on," Prince Luke demanded with barely contained fury in his voice.

"My lord… this is where we are going to build the army that you will lead," the soft-spoken figure continued to whisper.

"Each of these test subjects were once mighty warriors in the qi tide and void stage… it is with great difficulty that we managed to procure them."

"Void stage cultivators? Impossible. In that case why would you even need me?" Prince Luke asked with a wary expression on his face.

The mysterious figure remained silent for just a moment and then slowly removed the hood of her robe.

"No… how could it be you?" Prince Luke exclaimed with fear evident in his voice.

Standing before him…

He saw the one person who could not be here.

Who should not be here.

"Hmm… I suppose some introductions are in order," the mysterious woman smiled but her grin on her face was twisted and malformed.

"Mother?!" Prince Luke shouted in disbelief.

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