Ocean Master

Chapter 43 - Sebastian Laws.

After confirming again that he wasn\'t leaving any loose ends behind, Sebastian finally got prepared to leave this abyssal plain for good. He already courted death enough here, now was the time to save his life.

But before deciding to navigate his way back to the outside expanse of water, he first decided to check something vital.

Perhaps, back on earth, he wasn\'t specific about it, but now, he already forged a new anatomist rule for himself. And he was pretty sure that he would be forming others as time went on.

Sebastian Laws of Anatomy:

1. Thou shalt not leave after killing a powerful opponent without checking its basic profile information provided by the system.

2. Thou shalt not, pending…

Knowing your enemy is equivalent to half victory in battle, Sebastian could not agree more with this famous statement now that he was reincarnated in Oceania.

After the ambush that he suffered from the Devouring Cobra, he learned the hard way to respect this statement.

From the bizarre attack methods of the Devouring Cobra, he was pretty sure that without his system, he would have probably become dead swallowed Sebastian the great white shark already.

He already had the experience so he would be on guard against it in the future but if he was able to add the knowledge from the system to it, he was pretty sure that he could confidently clash with an even bigger Devouring Cobra.

"System, throw me the damn information".

[Congratulations! You have eaten the meat of a predator high in the food chain: Devouring Cobra- Level 15. Basic profile information of the Devouring Cobra has been unlocked.]

[The Devouring Cobra is a venomous snake species of elapids. It is one of the deadliest snakes in all of Oceania, only below the few snake species who unlocked a part of their Primordial bloodline.]

[As a mutated snake, it already has the power to use magic but most Devouring snakes take the physical magic organ to augment their skin, poison, and other bodily fluids to make them more deadly and effective against prey.]

[Its method of attack is to wrap up and swallow its prey while secreting the deadly fluids in its body.]

[Adult Devouring Cobras have so many different types of poison and fluids that they can virtually replicate any effect imaginable to immobilize their prey.]

[In Oceania, they are the king of ambush among snakes.]

[Note: They are among the few species of Cobras who have a chance of mutating in their adult phase to become like one of their most famous ancestors, the King Cobra.]

"Holy Moly! That\'s detailed for a basic profile".

Sebastian was pleasantly surprised after going through the information that was just shown to him by the system, this was far more detailed than he thought it to be.

From this alone, he already had a basic understanding of the Devouring Cobra and knew to be cautious towards this filthy assassin in the dark.

"Wait…, this can also be seen as a form of anatomy, right?"

He suddenly felt funny. Perhaps, the system knew his tendencies and what he loved that was why everything seemed to be so perfectly made just for him.

Due to not having access to his dissecting equipment in this world, he was already feeling worried about how he was to fulfill his dream of dissecting all the animals here, but the system just allayed his worries.

From the current standpoint of things, all he needed to do was to kill and eat the creatures and the system would do the dirty work for him.

All he needed was to sit like a king and go through the report of his servant, who was now the system.

"F*ck, Sebastian. Be modest, the system can\'t be your servant, it\'s far weird and strong than anything you knew before".

Quickly reprimanding himself, he finally focused on another important point in his mind. Apart from the laws of anatomy that he already drafted; he also drafted another set of laws for himself.

Sebastian Laws to being a great white Shark:

1. Thou shalt not focus too much on what shouldn\'t be focused on, i.e, your current number of di…, no claspers.

2. Thou shalt not feel too full of yourself to remain cautious of your surroundings, that is just the perfect recipe for courting death.

3. Thou shalt remember that this is Oceania and not earth, and that even a worm may have the power to kill a Dragon here, so like the 2nd law always remain modest.

4. Thou shalt not act without having a contingency plan.

5. Thou shalt, pending…

Despite the thick skin currently in his face both physically and psychologically, going through the 1st law again left Sebastian\'s face slightly burning.

As an Anatomist, this was general knowledge about sharks that he never felt awkward about before. But watching it from the standpoint of a human was vastly different than being the shark himself.

After living with one pee-pee for 25 years, suddenly getting the knowledge that he now had 2 of those things left him horrified.

"Do sharks even develop romance?"

"The heck, Sebastian. Focus on getting strong, who wants to court a weird female shark? I still prefer the beautiful finely chiseled ladies back on earth".

Quickly setting his priorities straight and pulling himself out of that embarrassing law, he finally came before the wide junction again- power.

He needed more power to kill and eat, he needed more power to survive, he needed more power to dissect, he literally needed power for everything here in Oceania.

Now, he was already a level 10 shark, only a few more experience and he would get to that important junction of his next evolution.

Though the more he grew, the more experience he needed to level up, he knew that he was already close to that zenith so he was not too anxious about it.

Right now, all he needed to do was cautiously navigate his way out of this dreadful abyssal plain, go outside then find easy prey to slowly level up.

After he crossed that boundary of evolution, that is when he would find the courage to make more complicated plans.

"Now, move that body Sebastian, and get the hell out of this place".

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