My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 438 He's waking up !

Lena after hearing this felt really helpless, the fact that she couldn’t help Ian like she had helped Jordan really worried her and she asked them : “But isn’t it too dangerous for Ian ?”

Caleb then said to reassure her : “Ian is healthy and he has his husband to look after him so don’t worry about him. Get your strength back princess, because if your man when he wakes up is under the influence of the black particles, he will need you badly.”

Lena nodded and finally, after only a few minutes of struggling to keep her eyes open, she finally fell asleep.

While Ian continued the extraction, Jordan rested and two hours later they switched roles again.

Ian had nothing to protect him from the negative effects of the black particles, so when Liam told him to stop, he did.

Liam, having been with Ian for several days as he tried to increase his mastery of the divine Evil element, immediately recognized the first subtle changes that signaled that Ian was beginning to be influenced by it.

And so, once Jordan had replaced him, Ian came to shelter in the arms of his husband and the divine aura that emanated from Liam now, helped him immediately to fight against all the negative feelings that had begun to overwhelm him.

Elias looked at them confused because he had forbidden Miguel to try to control this divine element, even though Miguel really wanted to try, because unlike Jordan and Ian who if they lost control were easily manageable, if it was Miguel who lost control because of those black particles… Well, just thinking about it made him break into a cold sweat.

After all, Miguel was Miguel, and even when he trained with him and gave it his all, he could never beat him.

When he saw Miguel glancing at him he immediately said to him using their bond, ‘My love, I’m so sorry but it doesn’t change anything, I can’t take that kind of risk, we’ve already talked about this together, you’re way too powerful.’

Miguel then said, ‘But looked, may be there is a way, Liam’s divine aura seems to be able to repel the negative effects of the black particles.’

Elias shook his head slightly as to not disturb the others, and he told him because there was still too much uncertainty, ‘It may also be related to their mark of the Union, look at them, there are still glowing in their hand and they even talked about sharing energy, that’s something you and I are unable to do.’

He heard Miguel sigh but finally he said to him resigned, ‘You’re right, there’s still too much things we don’t know about these two divine elements…’

Miguel then changed completely of topic and asked him, ‘Did our men find anything about Axel’s tattoos yet ?’

Elias immediately replied, ‘Not yet, they will contact me as soon as they get a lead.’

Miguel nodded, there was nothing they could do about it at the moment, and they trusted their men enough to let them handle this task.

But the change that had occurred in Axel was just too big and Mykael was really worried now.

Elias was also worried because if something bad happened to Axel, Kevin would be affected as well, so these tattoos were like a bomb ready to go off at any moment, and they really had to find a way to disarm it.

Miguel then focused his attention back to their current problem and he looked at Jordan before saying to him : “Lena is still asleep so she won’t be able to help you with the negative effects of the black particles, be careful.”

Jordan then told him : “I know, I’ll be careful… It’s amazing, Ian has almost finished removing all the black particles from his body, we’re almost there.”

And suddenly Lena woke up with a start and she said, looking at Atlas : “He’s waking up !”

Elias who didn’t want to take any risk immediately used the chains of the prison dimension to immobilize him.

These chains were capable to hold a God as strong as Mykael so it should be fine, and he asked Jordan when he saw him frown and send him the black crystals that he and Ian had used to absorb the black particles : “What’s going on ?”

But it was Miguel who answered him while motioning to Jordan to return next to Isaac : “As Lena just said, he’s waking up, and he’s already conscious enough to absorb the black particles himself and store them, he doesn’t seem to need us anymore.”

Elias then approached to stand by Miguel and he didn’t know why but this Titan made him uncomfortable.

When Miguel saw how quickly the last of the black particles disappeared from his body, he frowned and muttered : “So fast.”

Atlas then opened his eyes and his eyes were pitch black, he turned his head slightly towards Miguel and Elias who were closest to him and a black aura began to escape from his body.

Miguel got up immediately and with Elias they moved back a little, motioning to the others not to approach.

Caleb had to put his hand over Lena’s mouth to prevent her from speaking and he whispered to her : “Wait until he stabilizes a little, for now he seems to be under the influence of the black particles, so if he believes that you are in danger because we are preventing you from joining him, the situation could get out of hand.”

Tears of frustration rolled down Lena’s cheeks, but she knew Caleb only wanted to protect her, so she nodded and Caleb immediately released her.

“What the hell is this ?”

Kelan exclaimed then when he saw that black aura.

And Caleb shook his head before telling him : “I have no idea.”

Atlas’ gaze was still on Miguel and Elias and the black aura that escaped from his body began to cover the chains that held him down.

Miguel saw this and he said to him : “It’s useless, these chains were not created with ore, they are a representation of the psychic power of Elias and me.”

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