Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 65 Plans

Samuel and Adele looked at Oscar, surprised. He looked different from usual, with short hair and a pair of thick glasses. He has completely shaved his beard, only leaving a light mustache which gave him a different vibe than usual.

" Uncle cleaned up nice. Maybe its a girl." Adele thought.

" He was normal few hours earlier. What happened? I have to ask him later." thought Samuel.

" Welcome back, young master. How was your class? " Oscar asked, ignoring their prying eyes.

" It was great. I learned a lot. I will tell you more about it later. First, I want to take a detour today. I promised Adele to take her out to lunch and also meet Hannah. Its been a long time since the last time I met her. It will be a kind of reunion.Can we stopped by her restraurant? " Samuel asked.

" That--, Alright, follow me." Oscar felt complicated about Iblis\'s presence, but he ignored it, and Adele picked up on it. He has already prepared in advance to change his appearance a little to avoid suspicion of the Hanson Family from identifying him, but he has to make up excuses later.

" Uncle Oscar, let me introduce you to my friend, Iblis. She will also accompany us. " Adele informed Oscar.

" Its nice to meet you, Lady Iblis. I am Oscar, young master\'s butler." Oscar introduced himself respectfully.

" Hmm, give me a few minutes. I have to inform those guys in the back about the circumstances. I know they would follow regardless, but just a head starts; they could be mean sometimes, but they mean no harm." said Iblis and left toward a group of people in civilian clothes. They don\'t look out of place. Perfectly blending with surrounding people.

" I guess Iblis family is wealthy too. Hidden guards who looked relatively experienced in combat. I have to find out more about her." thought Samuel observing Iblis talking with the group.

" I have already informed David about it. They are good but not as good as us. But it is better to be safe than sorry." Oscar thought.

While they are thinking, Adele is surprised about the situation. She knew that Iblis came from a powerful family, but she could never have guessed the number of people protecting her from the shadows.

" Does Samuel also have such arrangement? He is strong but I bet even right now people are protecting him from the shadows. Rich people are scary sometimes!" Adele thought.

" By the way, Uncle you shaved and looks more handsome. Is there a special reason? " Adele teased.

" No, no, Just trying a different look. Others were saying that I looked rough with a beard." Oscar explained, which satisfied Adele but Samuel was unconvinced.

Samuel stared at him, trying to discern the truth, and arrived at the only answer he found logical. He contemplated a little whether to respond or not but opted to speak his mind. Others may think he is a child and discredit him for not knowing the subject, but he is already a master.

He may not have any experience, but he understands the theory, having read and absorbed countless books these past few months. Fortunately or Unfortunately, he came across some illicit books in his mind palace, curious as he decided to absorb them. It may not be a bad thing to learn about it early, but as his family member tells him, \' A child should enjoy his childhood.\'

Samuel came close and whispered in Oscar\'s ears to keep it a secret from Adele.

" Uncle, I think it is honorable of you, but I don\'t think you are right for each other, " Samuel said, looking at Oscar, then at Iblis. He completely misunderstood the situation.

" What? That\'s disgusting to even think about." Oscar screamed. Adele looked at the duo, amused.

" How can you be so brilliant and dumb at the same time young master." Oscar thought.

" Disgusting? It is a strong word. More like compatibility, I know she will despise you. I will even go as far as to say that see despises men in general." whispered Samuel.

" Please, don\'t say such things. I think you misunderstood the young lady. She may be uptight, but that must be her upbringing. Please get along with her. " Oscar said with a strange resolution in his tone.

" I never understood the meaning of the phase \' Love is blind\' but now I can say it is true by first had experience. You must really have a big crush on her to take her side. " Samuel is relentless with his words.

" Will you stop with all this? I don\'t have any feelings for her. None, Nada. I will not discuss this anymore. " Oscar said and separated from him to stand in the corner waiting.

Samuel also stopped teasing and patiently waited for Iblis.

" My conjecture is completely wrong. There is definitely something going on that Oscar is not telling me. I could clearly see care for Iblis in his eyes, but it was not sexual attraction but something else.

Iblis is completely oblivious about it, which is clearly visible from their earlier interaction unless she is also hiding something.

Oscar clearly changed his appearance for a reason, but I trust him. He has always been good to me, and invading his privacy is not something we will be comfortable with. " Samuel thought and stopped thinking about this matter. He will listen to Oscar if he ever opens up about it in the future.

Adele and Samuel talked for a while before Iblis returned with a tall blonde woman. The woman had light blue eyes and blonde hair that flowed left and right with every step. She wore ordinary clothes with a tight leather jacket, but it definitely couldn\'t hide her figure.

She looked kind and very attractive at first glance, but there was definitely a dangerous vibe about her that would keep others at bay.

Oscar becomes alert all of a sudden, seeing the other party. The women also observed Oscar and smirked provocatively, definitely to irritate him.

" She is dangerous. Her gait and way of handling herself--- definitely Special Forces. I have to be alert at all times." Oscar thought in his mind and quietly moved closer to Samuel.

" My senses are screaming danger. I never felt such sensations before." Samuel\'s title is activated to inform him about the dangerous situation.

" Not bad, Not bad. Never thougtht I would see someone decent after a long time. This will be fun." the woman thought.

" This is Karolina Volkov. She insisted on accompanying me. Is it alright with you?" Iblis asked.

Everyone greeted her, to which she simply nodded and bowed a little. Her eyes were completely fixed on Samuel, but she would glance at Oscar repeatedly.

"It\'s okay. I trust your judgment." Samuel said confidently. He is wary but not afraid of the situation. He has many trump cards up his sleeve if something goes wrong.

" Come one, let\'s go. I cann\'t wait to see Hannah." Adele said, completely oblivious to the whole mind game that was going on around her.

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