Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 58


Side by side, Kaori and Keiko walked through the streets of Jade on the way to the eastern gates. Kaori had to wear a large hat, and kept her hair in a bun, hidden under it, in an effort to remain unrecognized. She couldn\'t help but feel nervous every time she passed a citizen by. 

She doubted anyone would do anything violent, she was a Savior after all, but she didn\'t want to deal with any of the potential harassment that could come from her situation. Keiko looked at her with some concern. 

"No problems so far," Keiko muttered. "Probably shouldn\'t push our luck too hard though." 

"Uh, it\'ll be fine, don\'t worry" Kaori replied, actively trying to be positive about this whole thing. "So... Where are you going, again?" 

"I don\'t really know that much about it if I\'m being honest." Keiko sighed. "So, apparently, it\'s this castle that\'s supposed to have some really advanced fighting techniques stored in it. But, we have to fight through undead warriors to get to them. Oh, and it\'s near Onyx. That\'s pretty much all I\'ve got." 

Kaori raised a brow. 

"I, uh... Are you sure you can handle it?" 

"Apparently not, but that\'s why my teacher\'s coming with me." 

Kaori nodded. 

"Well, if this is supposed to be a test of your skills," Kaori said, "then you\'ve got this. You\'re amazing." 

"... I think this is a level above where I\'m at, but I appreciate your faith, Kaori." 

After a while, they reached a part of Jade that was slightly more empty than the rest. Unlike the western gates, where crowds bustled as many individuals tried to find their way to their homes and different stores, here, there were mostly just guards standing around and tied up horses. By the open gate, Kaori saw a woman with black and gold hair, dressed in black armor. On her back, Kaori saw two short blades in an X, the woman\'s arms crossed as she waited for someone. When she saw Kaori and Keiko approaching, she walked up to them. 

She was fairly tall and even with the armor, Kaori could tell she had some muscle to her. The woman looked at Kaori for a moment and then, with some disinterest, she turned away. 

"I\'m ready to go when you are," she told Keiko, and then she walked towards a horse. 

"Hm. She\'s usually, uh, nicer than that." Keiko told Kaori as the two of them turned towards each other. "So... I guess I\'ll be leaving too." 

"Gosh," Kaori looked down. "This feels weird." 

Keiko smiled. 

"Tell me about it. Part of me feels bad because the last thing I want to do is leave yours and Ash\'s side, and part of me feels great because, w-well, it looks like you\'ll miss me." 

"Of course I will," Kaori sighed. "I... Maybe we haven\'t done a good job of showing it, but I swear, Ash and I l..." 

She caught herself. 

Kaori had been about to use the  L word. It wasn\'t a word she threw around lightly. She\'d been in relationships before, and even then, it usually took a very long time before she started using that term. 

It was a bit of a wake-up call to her. She had known she was fond of the other two girls in this threeway thing they were doing, but she hadn\'t known to what extent. 

That said, she didn\'t want to freak Keiko out by going too hard on her. 

"... like you a lot." She continued. 

Keiko slowly nodded. 

"Well, once I come back, I\'ll know I deserve that," Keiko said. Then, she looked up at Kaori and stepped in for a hug. "Wish me luck." 

"Good luck," Kaori chuckled into her ears. 

With that, Keiko waved at her as the two parted ways. 

And just like that, Kaori was now alone. 



Sadly, she could only sleep for so long. 

She had spent the last two days mostly turning and tossing in her bed, waiting for the inevitable moment where someone would come up to her door, tell her she needed to go out to do Savior shit, and she\'d do so in the hopes that somehow, someway, it would be her last task. This floor had a bathroom and no one else was occupying any of the nearby rooms, so things were relatively peaceful. 

However, she\'d forgotten about one thing. Eating. 

So, with a scowl, she tossed her covers off and walked out of the room. Walking downstairs, there weren\'t many people here. The only person she saw was the demon\'s blonde friend. She was laying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with her right hand on her abs. Kasumi walked past her and went to the kitchen, hoping there would be some stuff she could use to cook something up quickly. 

"Oh," she heard the girl behind her say, "you." 

Kasumi didn\'t respond. Instead, she continued her search. 

"What was your name again?" 

Hearing footsteps getting closer, she sighed.  Please, please just let me get on with this shit. 

Nope. She turned around and the blonde was standing there looking at her quizzically. 

"... Kasumi." She replied, hoping that would be the end of this. 

It wasn\'t. 

"Oh, nice to meet you then. I\'m Kaori! We didn\'t get to talk at all in Pearl, huh? What with all the... you know, imminent destruction and all." 


"Well, it\'s good that we get to talk now though! Honestly, I... I was kind of wondering what the other Saviors were like, but the only one I really got to talk to a little was Mizaki, and even then all she did was show me her huge hammer." 


"It was massive though. Like, honestly it was giant. I don\'t know how she moves that thing. Or, I guess, her Strength stat is probably super high. You wouldn\'t expect someone who looks like..." 

As Kaori went on, Kasumi had a terrible realization. One that shook the very foundations of her reality. 

The drawers were empty. This meant she\'d have to go out and actually walk amongst society again. 

"Fuck." She muttered. 

"... but she was pretty cute though, huh?" Kaori stopped as she heard Kasumi close the drawers. "What happened?" 

"This place is empty," Kasumi stated. 

"Oh. Yeah, Metsumi went out with her daughter to go buy stuff a little while ago." 

Kasumi groaned. 

"... Then I\'ll have to go find something to eat myself." 

"Uh," Kaori looked her up and down. "Like that?" 

Kasumi had honestly forgotten how she was dressed. She looked down at herself. She was wearing a loose pink shirt that seemed more like a crop top on her, *very* short shorts, and sandals. 

"Sure." Kasumi shrugged.

"U-Uh, I mean... You\'re... Not to judge, don\'t get me wrong, but you\'re not leaving much to the imagination."

"Heh, like I give a fuck." Kasumi replied. "I am way too hungry to wait to put on \'proper clothes\', whatever that even means." 

Kaori blinked. Then, she chuckled. She walked up to the door and opened it. Kasumi raised a brow. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I\'m going with you," Kaori stated. At that, Kasumi\'s brow raised all the way to the back of her head. 


"You\'re from Pearl," Kaori explained. "You don\'t know the city, right? I do. I\'ll take you somewhere to have breakfast." 


She had a point. 

"Fine," Kasumi nodded. "After you, then." 

With that exchange out of the way, the two of them emerged onto the Spirit Gardens District. However, as soon as Kaori walked out, she reached up with her right hand and tapped her head. 

"Oh, shit." 

"Hm?" Kasumi hummed at her. 

"I... Wait here." 

Then, Kaori walked back in and reemerged looking entirely different. She was wearing a hat and had her hair tied up. 

"Sorry, I..." Kaori cleared her throat awkwardly. "I kind of have to hide my face and stuff." 

"Uh, why?" Kasumi asked. 

"It\'s... Kind of a long story." 

Kaori was going to pass her by, but Kasumi stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Then, lightly, she took her hat off. 

"H-Hey, what the...?" Kaori asked, confused but Kasumi ignored her. Then, she raised a hand and said:

"Let a visage of imagination harden into a mask before me." 

"W-What are you doing?" Kaori asked as a swirl of magic surrounded her. Then, changes began to occur. Her hair turned cinnamon brown, her skin darkened a little and an abundance of freckles manifested on her cheeks. 

Sadly, this spell wasn\'t going to bring back the arm she lost, but she looked like an entirely different person now. 

"Huh?" Kaori looked down at herself. "I... What!?" 

"There," Kasumi muttered. "Figured that would be more comfortable than wearing whatever excuse for a hat that is." 

She hated how she still remembered so many Illusion spells she\'d learned during her time as an active Savior, like stains on her brain she couldn\'t wipe off. 

Kaori looked up at her, her eyes gleaming. 

"That\'s incredible!" 

Then, Kasumi\'s stomach growled. 

"Sure, can we go? I\'m starving." 

With a grin from the former blonde, the pair walked out into the city. Kasumi could hear Kaori giggling as she looked down at herself. The crimson-haired Savior rolled her eyes.  She is way too bubbly.

"Oh, oh! How about we go..." And so, she began to recommend place after place, when all Kasumi wanted was to eat something and go right back to sleep.

What the hell did I get myself into? 

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